
  • “Obara Onsen”

  • Kosaka Pass

  • Fure-I Deck

  • Kamasaki Onsen

  • Cuddle their fluffy foxes! A rare zoo with more than 100 foxes where you can see and cuddle them. “Miyagi Zao Fox Village”

  • Obara Onsen

  • Mizubasho no Mori

  • “Obara Canyon”, the best autumn leaves in Shiroishi City!

  • 【Zaimokuiwa Koen (The Timber Rock Park)】”The park of a talk with water and stone” that makes you feel close to the beauty of “Timber Rock” designated as a natural treasure of Japan.

  • 【Zaimokuiwa Koe (nThe Timber Rock Park)】”The park of a talk with water and stone” that makes you feel close to the beauty of “Timber Rock” designated as a natural treasure of Japan.

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Introduction of Pochi Warrior Kojuro
Shiroishi’s Charming Spring
Miyagi Zao Sightseeing Navigation

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Introduction of Pochi Warrior Kojuro
Shiroishi’s Charming Spring


Miyagi Zao Sightseeing Navigation
